Yarrow Blue

Achillea Millefolium

Yarrow Blue Oil is a medicinal oil which has multiple healing effects. It can be used to soothe muscle and joint pain, digestive issues as well as other conditions that result in inflammation in the body. It has a luxurious herbaceous scent which is also popular in aromatherapy.

History of Yarrow Blue Oil

As you can probably tell from its name, Yarrow Blue Oil’s defining feature is its deep blue colour. It is extracted from the Yarrow plant, which is native to continents all across the Northern Hemisphere. The first recorded appearance of the plant dates back to a fossil that is thought to be over 50,000 years old! The yarrow was placed around the head of a dead Neanderthal, suggesting that even our earliest human ancestors may have known about its magical abilities. In Greek mythology, Achilles used Yarrow to heal the wound on his weak spot, hence the botanical name, Achillea millefolium. Since then, Yarrow has been associated with love and healing throughout the world. Even in recent history, Yarrow was used to heal wounds, which is why it gained the name soldier's woundwort during the Second World War.

The first recorded use of the plant’s essential oil was in the 1700s, although it is an academic named Bley who is given official credit for its discovery in 1828. From this time, the oil was popular in cosmetics and perfumery, and as a pain-reliever and wound healer. The antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties were the first to be tested in medical science and were used to treat breathing, reproductive and digestive disorders. Despite the essential oil being discovered hundreds of years ago, the original plant remains its most popularly used form!

So, how has the use of Yarrow Blue Oil changed since then?

The simple answer to that is - it hasn’t! Yarrow Blue is still associated with love and healing today. Yarrow Blue Oil is commonly used to heal wounds, relieve pain and improve the body’s functions. It is an ingredient in many massage oils aimed at helping menstrual and digestive flow and easing their associated pains. It is also included in many skincare products due to its skin-tightening properties, and insect bite treatments due to its soothing abilities.

As well as maintaining a healthy body, Yarrow Blue Oil can help to maintain a healthy mind. This essential oil is particularly popular in alternative mental health treatment and meditation, as it is known to promote introspection and balance when inhaled. Yarrow Blue Oil has a spicy yet sweet and slightly woody and herbaceous aroma, making it a staple in many aromatherapists’ toolboxes.

Extracting Yarrow Blue Oil

Yarrow Blue Oil is extracted using a process called steam distillation. This is the most common method of extracting essential oils because it does not add any chemicals to them and allows the manufacturer to rigorously control the temperature. Steam distillation involves passing steam over the white flowers of the Yarrow plant so that the volatile oil (an oil-water mix that easily evaporates) is extracted. This volatile oil is then passed through a second chamber which is a cooler temperature, causing the molecules to cool and separate. The pure essential oil can then be skimmed off the top!

During distillation, a chemical compound called chamazulene appears in the oil. This compound is not present in the flower before the steam distillation process but is produced due to the high temperatures. It is chamazulene that transforms the oil into its characteristic blue colour. Yarrow has an especially low yield, which means that it takes more of the plant to produce its essential oil than is typical. This is one reason why Yarrow Blue Oil is so rare, because more flowers and more steam distillation being needed means that the oil costs more to produce!

So, can I make Yarrow Blue Oil at home?

You could, technically. The steam distillation process is relatively simple and you can purchase a smaller version of the industrial kit online. The distillation process takes around 7 hours, so you could begin it before you go to sleep and wake up to your own homemade Yarrow Blue Oil. Despite this, as the yield is very low, you would need to pick many handfuls of the leaves to create just a tiny amount of oil! We recommend buying Yarrow Blue Oil online instead, so that you can research the retailer and assess the quality of the oil yourself.

How do you feel about Yarrow Blue Oil? Have you ever tried to extract it yourself? As always, the Essentially Yours team loves hearing your essential oil stories, so feel free to reach out to one of us today!

So, can I make Yarrow Blue Oil at home?

You could, technically. The steam distillation process is relatively simple and you can purchase a smaller version of the industrial kit online. The distillation process takes around 7 hours, so you could begin it before you go to sleep and wake up to your own homemade Yarrow Blue Oil. Despite this, as the yield is very low, you would need to pick many handfuls of the leaves to create just a tiny amount of oil! We recommend buying Yarrow Blue Oil online instead, so that you can research the retailer and assess the quality of the oil yourself.

How do you feel about Yarrow Blue Oil? Have you ever tried to extract it yourself? As always, the Essentially Yours team loves hearing your essential oil stories, so feel free to reach out to one of us today!

Yarrow Blue Oil Varieties

Yarrow Blue Oil Varieties

So, how many varieties of Yarrow Blue Oil are there?

The yarrow plant is native all over the Northern Hemisphere, and has also recently been introduced to countries in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Australia and New Zealand. The different locations of the plant have an effect not only on the chemical composition of the oil, but also on the amount of flowers that grow on each plant. This means that oil from locations with more flowers per plant have higher essential oil yields, and will be cheaper than oil from plants in locations with less flowers. Studies on different locations of yarrow have also found that plants growing at higher altitudes produce the highest quality oil.

As well as the geographical location of the plants, there are three colour varieties of essential oil that are produced. The variations are yellow, green and blue, and are decided by the levels of a chemical that appears during the extraction process, chamazulene. The temperature of the distillation process also plays a part in the colouring of the essential oil, with Yarrow Blue Oil being distilled for the longest. Some manufacturers use the leaves of the plant, as well as the flowers, to produce the oil - but this is widely agreed to be of much lower quality.

So, which variety is best for me?

That really depends on what you are looking to get out of it. Yarrow Blue Oil is the most popular, as it is the higher concentration of chamazulene and has the most effective skin tightening and antibacterial properties. The blue variety is also better at helping circulation and healing wounds. So, if you are looking to use your oil in alternative medicine, Yarrow Blue is the oil for you! The green variety, despite being less popular, is sometimes argued to be better at balancing hormones. So, if you are looking to use your oil in aromatherapy, you might want to look for Yarrow Green Oil. Last but not least, Yarrow Yellow Oil is thought to be best for reducing a fever and promoting relaxation, so would be a great choice for meditation. Whatever you choose, make sure you look for 100% Yarrow Oil that was made from only the flowering tops of the plant!

How do you feel about Yarrow Blue Oil? Is it an essential in your collection? As always, the Essentially Yours team is eager to hear how you are getting on with your oils, so feel free to reach out to one of us today!

As well as the geographical location of the plants, there are three colour varieties of essential oil that are produced. The variations are yellow, green and blue, and are decided by the levels of a chemical that appears during the extraction process, chamazulene. The temperature of the distillation process also plays a part in the colouring of the essential oil, with Yarrow Blue Oil being distilled for the longest. Some manufacturers use the leaves of the plant, as well as the flowers, to produce the oil - but this is widely agreed to be of much lower quality.

So, which variety is best for me?

That really depends on what you are looking to get out of it. Yarrow Blue Oil is the most popular, as it is the higher concentration of chamazulene and has the most effective skin tightening and antibacterial properties. The blue variety is also better at helping circulation and healing wounds. So, if you are looking to use your oil in alternative medicine, Yarrow Blue is the oil for you! The green variety, despite being less popular, is sometimes argued to be better at balancing hormones. So, if you are looking to use your oil in aromatherapy, you might want to look for Yarrow Green Oil. Last but not least, Yarrow Yellow Oil is thought to be best for reducing a fever and promoting relaxation, so would be a great choice for meditation. Whatever you choose, make sure you look for 100% Yarrow Oil that was made from only the flowering tops of the plant!

How do you feel about Yarrow Blue Oil? Is it an essential in your collection? As always, the Essentially Yours team is eager to hear how you are getting on with your oils, so feel free to reach out to one of us today!

Benefits of Yarrow Blue Oil

Here at Essentially Yours, we love sharing information with you, so that the whole community can make the most out of every essential oil. Whether you already have a huge collection or are looking for your first oil, our website has information for everyone! In this blog, we are going to talk through some of the benefits of Yarrow Blue Oil. Remember that what works for one person might not work for another, so do not be disheartened if any of these benefits don’t work straight away!


Next time you find yourself blocked up with a cough or cold, reach for a bottle of Yarrow Blue Oil! Inhaling a simple, soothing DIY steam bowl consisting of a few drops of the oil in boiled water will help break down phlegm, enhance your breathing and reduce inflammation in your respiratory system.

Digestive aid

An early use of Yarrow Blue Oil was to keep the body’s functions moving smoothly, as well as sorting out anything that wasn’t working. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great oil to aid digestion and ease symptoms such as cramps, appetite loss, wind and constipation.


Healing wounds was the first known job of the yarrow plant, even in Ancient Greece! The reason it is so beneficial for wounds is that the high levels of sesquiterpene chamazulene make it an effective anti-bacterial. Also, its astringent properties help it to pull wounds back together.


In aromatherapy, Yarrow Blue Oil is great for relaxation and promoting a healthy mind. It also promotes introspection and helps to guide meditation. This essential oil displays antispasmodic characteristics, making it great for treating anxiety and calming twitchy muscles or organs. In massage, adding a few drops of Yarrow Blue Oil to a carrier oil creates a relaxing blend with a romantic aroma.

Hormone balancing

One benefit of Yarrow Blue Oil is that it aligns the body to keep it working as it should. This is often used to regulate hormones and promote homeostasis (the body’s natural way of regulating itself). The hormone balancing benefits can be harnessed topically (with massage) or internally (with aromatherapy).

Improve circulation

As a regulator of many body functions, Yarrow Blue Oil is great for improving the circulation of blood around the body. This is beneficial to people with disorders affecting their circulation such as Reynaud’s, obesity and diabetes. Diluting with a carrier oil and massaging onto the skin is a great way to get your blood pumping faster!


A combination of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cicatrisant (soothing, skin-healing) properties make Yarrow Blue Oil the perfect oil for day-to-day skincare, particularly for anyone with acne, spots or scars. It also has astringent (skin-tightening) properties, making it beneficial to those looking to reduce the signs of wrinkles!

Please note that the benefits felt from Yarrow Blue Oil can vary from person to person and what works for you, may not work for someone else. You should always consult with a doctor before using, and if you are using the oil topically it should always be mixed with a carrier oil so it doesn’t irritate the skin. If irritation occurs, please consult a dermatologist.  As with all essential oils, make sure you conduct a patch test prior to using it on your face, and dilute with a carrier oil when needed. Please also remember not to use Yarrow Blue Oil if you are pregnant, as it contains chemicals that can be dangerous to unborn babies.

Uses of Yarrow Blue Oil

Here at Essentially Yours, we love sharing our knowledge of essential oils, so that you can make the most out of your own collection. Whether you are wondering when it was discovered, or what else it blends with, we have all the information you need. In this blog, we are going to talk about Yarrow Blue Oil and some of the uses for it. Please remember that these are just a few of our favourites, and there are loads more for you to try out yourself!


With its soothing, hormone balancing and calming properties, it’s no wonder that Blue Yarrow Oil is so loved in aromatherapy! Its therapeutic effects are also enhanced by its sweet, spicy, woody aroma. Add a few drops to your electric diffuser and let the herbaceous scent drift throughout your home.

First aid

To use Yarrow Blue Oil for its original purpose, add a drop to a scoop of Coconut Oil and apply onto a wound. The astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties will get to work healing your skin and cleansing the wound - all very gently of course. Remember that Coconut Oil is solid at room temperature, which makes it great for first-aid, but you will need to heat it gently to infuse the two oils!


Mix a couple of drops of Yarrow Blue Oil into your favourite carrier oil (we love Jojoba Oil for massages!) for a sensual, relaxing massage oil with a fresh scent. Not only will this feel amazing, but it will also keep your body healthy inside and out. If you already have a favourite massage oil, you can, of course, add a couple of drops to this instead.


Yarrow Blue Oil has the ability to promote introspection whilst relaxing simultaneously. This combination makes it an amazing oil to help you look inside yourself objectively and without fear. You could add a couple of drops to a diffuser, dip an incense stick in the oil or simply add a few drops to your bath!


To harness the benefits of Yarrow Blue Oil, add a few drops to your favourite moisturiser or serum. If you want to refresh and soothe your skin throughout the day, add a few drops to some distilled water in a spray bottle and spray over makeup or onto a fresh face! You could also add a drop of Yarrow Blue Oil, a drop of Lavender Oil and a drop of Frankincense Oil to a small bottle of Almond Oil to create a DIY acne-fighting and wrinkle-busting serum!

Blends well with

Here at Essentially Yours, we love sharing our essential oil knowledge, so that our community can love their oils as much as we do! Whether you are not sure where to start or are looking for some expert tips, our website has all the answers. In this blog, we are going to talk about the different oils that Yarrow Blue blends well with. Yarrow Blue Oil has a distinctive smell that is sweet and spicy at the same time. Its aroma is also slightly woody and herbaceous, so it blends perfectly with citrus scents and other herbal notes.

Remember, we love all of these blends but there are loads more for you to test out yourself! Even if you don’t have a diffuser, a drop or two on a wet cotton bud, in a bath or a towel by your bedside can give you a similar effect! You could also choose your favourite carrier oil and mix in a few drops of Yarrow Blue Oil to harness its benefits topically!

Bergamot Oil

Another spicy aroma, Bergamot Oil goes fabulously with herbaceous oils like Yarrow Blue. If you are looking for the perfect blend for soap or perfume, these two are a match made in heaven!


Clary Sage Oil

Another essential oil that is renowned for its use in aromatherapy and meditation, Clary Sage makes the perfect blend for reducing stress, anxiety and pain. As it is particularly popular in women’s health, this combination is perfect for relieving menstrual cramps and stimulating blood flow. Unlike Clary Sage Oil, Yarrow Blue Oil CANNOT be used during pregnancy.


Geranium Oil

Like Yarrow Blue Oil, Geranium Oil is used in aromatherapy to promote balance in the body and mind. Geranium Oil also has a herbaceous scent, which complements Yarrow Blue Oil as if they were meant to be!


Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit adds another level to the sweet and spice of Blue Yarrow Oil. Not only do these scents combined create absolute heaven, Grapefruit Oil shares many of the same benefits of Yarrow Blue Oil. Both are used to maintain balance within the body, as well as to ease anxiety and depression.


Lavender Oil

Our absolute favourite oil for relaxing, and not just because of its calming properties! The smell of Lavender is so beautiful that it mixes with almost every other essential oil, and it works especially well with Yarrow Blue Oil because of its sweet, floral fragrance. Lavender Oil is also popular in similar products as Yarrow Blue Oil such as soap, perfume, skincare and pillow sprays.


Rosemary Oil

We love Rosemary Oil because it has one of those herbaceous scents that makes you feel warm and cosy. These two fragrances complement each other beautifully and both also promote better circulation. Blending the two in a massage or aromatherapy scenario will enhance your circulation and smell amazing at the same time!